Brit Hume on the Big Lesson of the Benghazi, IRS, and AP Scandals
Most on the Left will grudgingly admit that Big Government can go horribly wrong. The histories of Russia, China, and North Korea are the extreme examples. But, the Left claims, Big Government can...
View ArticleIs Barack Obama a Softcore Fidel Castro?
Listen to the poignant video testimony of Rafael, a refugee from Cuba, who describes Fidel Castro’s abrupt capitalist-to-socialist transformation of Cuba. Compare it, as he does, to Barack Obama’s...
View ArticleOne of the greatest stories ever told . . .
. . . is the story of the humble pencil. Those who fail to see the absolutely majestic and miraculous nature of the free market may simply be incapable of seeing majesty and miracle. Or maybe they only...
View ArticleRe Syria: An Open Memo to Our Friends, the Europeans
Thanks to President Obama’s clumsy “redlining” and John McCain’s agitating, America may soon be drawn into war again in the Middle East. On February 23, 2013, The Economist magazine published a...
View ArticleInspiring Speech from Rafael Cruz, Father of Sen. Ted Cruz
At the FreedomWorks Free the People event on July 6, Mr. Rafael Cruz, father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), delivered this inspiring speech on his personal history, surviving Fidel Castro’s communist regime...
View ArticleEgyptian General Al-Sissi Slams Barack Obama
Barack Obama and Mohamed Morsi: Birds of a Feather? Ambivalence - a state of having simultaneous, conflicting feelings toward a person or thing. Ambivalence is what I felt when I read the sharply...
View ArticleLooking for the key to success? Here it is (Video)
Work hard. Be fair. Make people’s lives better with whatever work you do. Private business is what keep America running. It’s what keeps any successful society running. Not government. Government...
View ArticleVideo: Watch the 50 states race for the title of “Most Free State”
Kudos to Mercatus—this is a great way to highlight their biennial survey of levels of liberty in the 50 states. (HT: Alliance for Liberty):
View ArticleVideo: Daniel Hannan and Sean Hannity on American Exceptionalism
Daniel Hannan is South East England’s Conservative Member of Parliament. In this clip, he talks with Sean Hannity about Obamacare, American exceptionalism, and the much broader topic of the...
View ArticlePope Francis and Obama Are Both Wrong
A recent Washington Post article reflected on Pope Francis as he struggles to make the Church more humble and focused on the poor. He wants to rid the monolithic Church of the huge bureaucratic...
View ArticleDaniel Hannan on ‘Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made...
From the Heritage Foundation, November, 2013: In “Inventing Freedom”, Daniel Hannan reflects on the historical origin and spread of the principles that have made America great, and their role in...
View ArticleThe more economic freedom, the better things get for people
We keep reporting on it, over and over. Every survey of economic freedom shows the same thing: as economic freedom increases, human well-being increases. Of course, the converse of that is also true....
View ArticleVideo: We don’t need masters. We don’t need experts.
What we need is to be FREE. When we’re free, we work things out among ourselves through voluntary interactions, and everybody is happier for it. What is so hard to understand about this? NO MORE MASTERS!
View ArticleThe Fed @ 100: Can’t fix Obamanomics
Today’s centennial anniversary of the creation of the “Third Bank of the United States,” legally titled the Federal Reserve, seems a good time to reflect on its mostly unchecked power, role in causing...
View ArticleCapitalism’s Imperious Moral Code
A follow-up to “With Two Hands Tied Behind Their Backs: Famous Quotes on the Success of the Jewish People.” By Andrew G. Benjamin Fair exchange, fair products and fair payments for goods and services...
View ArticleTucson Steroid Guidelines, UA Race Track Industry Program
Did you know that the University of Arizona has a Race Track Industry Program (RTIP)? It’s the only program of its kind and according to the website, “…prepares students for employment in race track...
View ArticleVideo: Daniel Hannan and Sean Hannity on American Exceptionalism
Daniel Hannan is South East England’s Conservative Member of Parliament. In this clip, he talks with Sean Hannity about Obamacare, American exceptionalism, and the much broader topic of the...
View ArticlePope Francis and Obama Are Both Wrong
A recent Washington Post article reflected on Pope Francis as he struggles to make the Church more humble and focused on the poor. He wants to rid the monolithic Church of the huge bureaucratic...
View ArticleDaniel Hannan on ‘Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made...
From the Heritage Foundation, November, 2013: In “Inventing Freedom”, Daniel Hannan reflects on the historical origin and spread of the principles that have made America great, and their role in...
View ArticleThe more economic freedom, the better things get for people
We keep reporting on it, over and over. Every survey of economic freedom shows the same thing: as economic freedom increases, human well-being increases. Of course, the converse of that is also true....
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